Right now is that odd time of year when you don’t know whether you will be sweating or freezing when you walk outside. The weather between spring and winter is the most varied combination. The morning could be windy and rainy with a chance of snow while the afternoon brings sun and occasional heat. This change in the climate brings heavy amounts of coughing, sneezing, sniffling and headaches associated with allergies and the common cold. The best way to combat this horrid weather is with the correct work wear. Just because the sun is out doesn’t mean that you are ready to wear your sleeveless dress and no jacket. This is the perfect time to layer up. Start with adding a cardigan or sweater that you can wear to the office and easily take off, if need be. Also, try to add more bright colors and prints to your wardrobe. Changing your color scheme from blacks and grays may actually make you feel like spring is coming. Especially on those 40 degree weather days. Check out CareerBuilder’s 5 tips for transitioning work wear from winter to spring and then head on over to Gainor’s job site to apply because you’ll need somewhere to go to try out that new transitioning fashion!